Home Fire Miracles
We gathered a bunch of people into a house last Saturday who needed a miracle in their body...
We had deaf ears healed...several knee injuries healed...backs...feet...shoulders...
One guy had LASIK eye surgery 2 years ago, and it was botched...He has had constant eye pain ever since...He woke up the next morning with no eye pain for the first time in 2 years!...
This 12 year old in the video had been crippled for 8 years...Her right achilles tendon stopped growing at 4 years old, so that she had not been able to put her heel on the ground while standing...she had to walk on her tip-toes, and had not been able to run since she was 4 years old...She had several surgeries over the years without any relief...That night she not only stood on her heel, but also ran around the pool...The next day her family took her on a hike up a mountain...Totally healed...
Praise Jesus!
We are in the beginning stages of a Revivalution...
Join with Us...Each One Reach One!