4 Sure Signs of a Revival Fire Church

If there has ever been a time in which Revival is needed, it is now. I was born and raised in Orange County, and always lived a pretty carefree life, enjoying the beach, the sun, while living in one of the most prosperous counties of America.

But since all of the chaos of last year’s political climate, evidenced by social unrest and the “pandemic”, there is an uncertainty in people’s hearts and minds that things are going to be O.K.

So many people are afraid, angry, grieving, hopeless, and in despair, that addictions, suicides, and abusive violence is rising steadily.

This is a season in which the Church is needed more than ever.

A Revival Fire is needed in the Church, but more importantly to the world, through the Church. We can only give what we have received, but at the same time, we must give away what we have received if we expect more from God.

I believe God is raising up an army of Revivalists, who will create a Revivalution.

Can a nation be saved in a day? What about a county? Orange County?

I believe so, if we figure out how to do Church effectively in this next season. We cannot keep doing the same failing things over and over, expecting different results — That’s insanity!

Interestingly, the Book of Acts doesn’t tell us how to do Church, it just tells us that they met together a lot, in a lot of different venues…

For example, they met in the Temple Courts, which speaks of large corporate gathering events, as well as from house to house, in what we might call Home Groups, Cell Groups, or Homefire Groups at OC Fire Church (Acts 2:46).

Surprisingly, there is no specific blueprint of structure and expression given in the Bible for how we are to meet. I think it’s because God wants us to be creative in the way we do Church. God did not intend to create an inflexible religious box.

What we do know is that:

  1. The Church was Catalytic…The Presence and Power of God was the central purpose for meeting (Acts 2:43). Signs and wonders, healings, prophetic insights, and the gifts of the Spirit were commonplace in the New Testament Church. Moreover, the Church was about getting people saved (Acts 2:47). Signs and wonders are meaningless outside of the overarching goal of revealing the glory of God to the unbelievers. The New Testament Church demonstrated the Power of the Kingdom of God both inside, and outside, the Church.

  2. The Church was also Creative…Everyone brought their creative gifts to share (1 Corinthians 14:26). The Church in Orange County must become relevant without being relative. We must be able to express the Good News in ways that the culture can relate to without giving in to the pressure to conform to Cultural Relativism.

  3. The Church had Community…People knew each other, and helped each other (Acts 2:45). That was the context for true discipleship training (Acts 2:42). It’s not Ok for people to attend Church for years, yet have no deep relationships with the people they are going to Church with. The Church in Orange County will never become a wildfire of Revival until we are willing to connect with a community of believers who know us, and can encourage us to walk in our divine identity, and fulfill our supernatural Destiny.

  4. The Church was a Happy place…Whether we meet in a building or in a home, the Church should be the happiest place on the planet (Acts 2:46). Many people are looking for hope and healing in the midst of so much craziness going on in the world, even Orange County. When hopeless and hurting people see a happy Church, hope rises up in them that senses that they can have the same. This is the Good News; that we can be happy when there is no outward reason to be so. Jesus is happy, and we should be too, if we want to be like Him, and re-present Him to the world around us.

At OC Fire Church, we are going to propel God’s Presence and Power through a Catalytic, Creative, Community…with the goal of being known as the happiest place in Orange County.

We’re going to create a wildfire of Revival, that cannot be contained…a fire that cannot be quenched, bringing healing, wholeness, hope, and abundant life to everyone.

We would love for you to partner in some way with our vision to make a difference in these desperate times.

Let’s be those who bring the Good News of great joy to everyone we meet, everywhere we go!


A Revival Fire Church Should Be Relevant Without Being Relative